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Extreme Escape (2) 8-2-2020
1st Official Team Have Fund Day!! Extreme Escape 8-2-2020

Our Core Values are how this team does business. Period! 

Have Fun 

Fun is the first Core Value because it can enrich almost any situation. Having fun means that we are playing, learning, exploring, imagining, and creating the game of our life.
Our experience can be challenging, mundane, sad and sometimes painful, but without those things there would be no canvas for fun. We have to play this game no matter what, and when you can find a way to make things fun you will be able to play well. With fun you take away the frustration of challenges and bend them into the tools you need to move forward.



Communicate is the second Core Value on the list because after the fun begins it needs to be shared. You must tell everyone what you are up to and listen to what they are up to. Communication is the key to building all of the relationships that you create in your life. It is always a two way street and learning to speak openly, and learning to listen openly, is one of the most important parts of being something bigger than yourself. Open and honest communication will create even stronger relationships, and make light work of any and all challenges that come your way. When you can communicate effectively, you can create a space for ideas to flow where you can create solutions, innovations, and improvements.

Help Each Other

After Communication is mastered you will find yourself surrounded by opportunities. Opportunities are everywhere because people are everywhere. You will find people like you. People that will have also mastered communication, and are out having fun. Those people will have something else in common with you as well. You will find that you both need help playing the game that you’re playing. After all, it is no fun to just have fun by yourself. You want to have fun with others. You will find it is easiest to have fun with others when you can work together to accomplish similar goals. They call this a team. The whole point of being on a team is to help each other. To work towards accomplishments and encourage each other to do more, and be more. To help inspire, to help learn, to help solve problems and to help each other keep moving forward to win.


Or as the Head Janitor would say


Own It is last on the list because there is nothing more you can do beyond taking complete and total ownership over every aspect in your life. It is the internal process of mastery. It is the thing you will strive to do but never complete. Only you can do it, no one can help you. It is behind the scenes at all times and will haunt you when you ignore it. You can work day in and day out and will never be done taking ownership of your life. There is always more, and many moments where you will fail to do it. There is nothing after it because you will never finish it. Own it, is the hardest Value of the Core Value list. It is also the most important Value there is. Own It, is the foundation the other Core Values need to stand the test of time. You can fake the others for a short time but in the end if you don't Own It, you will fall short of anything worth remembering.


It is easy to skate by and do nothing important in life. Excuses can be made and you can just do the minimum to get by. You can tell people stories of why you couldn't do more. The people you hang out with will have similar unfulfilling stories. And together you will spend most of your life in the stands or on your couch watching people chose to Own their life, and criticize their performance. 


Or you can take ownership and start working towards the discipline of living a purposed life. You can find a team that does not tolerate mediocrity that will encourage you. You can start grinding out a life that you can be proud of.  Nothing creates more success and accomplishment than taking ownership of everything you do. It is integrity, it is character, it is the ultimate super power. If you begin a journey of self improvement or have goals that require a better version of yourself, Own It is what you do to build that better self. Own It is the thing between you and the things that you want or need in your life. Without it, there will be few reliable people around in your life to help you. You will not be able to hold yourself accountable. You will have dishonest communication with others that will continue to create problems for you. You will be stuck in behavior patterns that lead to constant disappointment in your life. And because you are disappointed all of the time you will not be able to have any fun. The sustainable fun that can only be found in the life of a person makes the constant conscious choice to take control of their life, be responsible for themselves, their actions, and their surroundings.

The New Old Fashioned Service is what we call the way we think things ought to be done! The way we make decisions comes from our core values and nowhere else.



 The New Old Fashioned Service.

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